3 アイルランド 3-3 アイルランド旅行記 3-5 アイルランドの文学








 これは(写真5)、道端に作った洞穴に飾られた 聖ブリジッドです。途中で何箇所かこのようなきれいな像を目にしました。その横の小さな祠に入ってみますと、いろいろな貢物が並んでいて、聖水の水溜りには日本で言うお賽銭がたくさん光っていました。このイメージは日本人の感覚にあい通じるところがあって非常に印象深いものでした。


 これらの写真(写真7)は、これまでの旅行で集めた絵葉書をまとめたものです。これは 作家のシングです。ショーン・オケーシーは私の研究のしんがりを務める劇作家です。大学時代の恩師の評価は二流だそうですが評価は相半ばするところです。これは若々しいイェーツですが、これらの写真を並べるわけは不思議と皆妖精顔をしているからです。ワイルド、ジョイス、B・ビーハン等すべて同類に見えます。みな妖精の霊気が漂っているように思えてなりません。


 アイルランドといえばアラン島がイメージされます。アラン島のダン・エンガス(Dun Aengusは、馬車のおじいさんの発音によると「ダン・エンガシャ」だそうです)まで行って撮ってきた写真がこれです。我ながらいい写真(写真8)が取れたなと自慢したい一枚です。この断崖絶壁は 「アランの男」という有名な映画の主要な場面を構成しています。1934年、ロバート・フラシャーティー監督作品です。私の写真は素晴らしい好天に恵まれた波静かな一枚ですが、この映画に出てくるアラン島は、ものすごい波濤に洗われ一面荒蕪の島で、その自然の荒々しさに必死に耐える島の人たちの気骨がひしひしと迫ってくる名作の中にあります。


 ここから司馬遼太郎さんの「愛蘭土紀行」についてお話します。この司馬氏の紀行文とビデオを要約すると、キーワードは、不撓不屈の精神、激しい個性、爪に火をともすような生き様、辛らつな風刺精神、流浪、漂泊、自然との闘い、というところでしょう。不撓不屈の精神の根源はどこにあるのでしょうか。「山雨」という言葉が使われています。それはどんよりとした天気が続く山間の陰鬱な雨で、人の心を落ち込ませる元凶であるのです。シングがこの情景を巧みに描いています。In the Shadow of the Glen(山雨)ではそういう陰鬱な山奥の小屋で、年の離れた、猜疑心の強い夫と暮らすノラの現状離脱と再生願望への心の中が描かれています。その重苦しいテーマはこの「山雨」に集約されているのです。

 こんどは歴史的観点に立ちますと、避けて通れないのが クロムウェルの収奪、虐殺の歴史です。彼によって「アイルランド」は身包みはがれた、と司馬さんは表現しています。そのことによってアイルランドではこれまで連綿として続いてきた反英精神にさらに火がつくということになったのです。ここから幾多の試練を経て一応独立ということになりますが、赤いポストやバスが緑色に塗り替えられる社会現象は、司馬さんの言う「百戦百敗の民」からの現状離脱の思いの一端を物語っています。たとえ百敗してもそこから立ち上がろうとする彼らの気骨はマーガレット・ミッチェルの風とともに去りぬにおける「タラへ帰ろう」というセリフにおいてもうかがい知ることが出来ます。このスカーレットの激しい個性と不撓の血は彼女の体内において常に激しく燃え盛っているのです。それが昇華しようとする再生願望は、オケーシーのJuno and the Paycock(ジュノーと孔雀)の中に常に出てくるテーマです。「風とともに去りぬ」を読み返してみましたがスカーレットの不撓の血が延々と描かれ、一方でジュノーにおいても彼女の人生苦からの再生願望が絶えず流れ続けるのは不思議な共通点になっています。


 さて、ビートルズとスウィフトの話になりますが、彼らは、アイルランド系の人間なら誰にでもあるユーモアと風刺精神が特に突出している典型です。ビートルズが流行したのは私の学生時代ですがそのころはただやかましいだけと思っていましたが、 最近では「イエスタデイ」や「イマジン」などを聞いてみるとクラシックだなと思うようになりました。彼らが世界的名声を博したことでイギリス政府は勲章を授けたわけですが、今度は退役軍人たちがプライドを傷つけられたとして勲章返上騒ぎが起きました。そのとき彼らは「人を殺してもらったんじゃない、人を楽しませてもらったんだ」と言ったそうです。これはいわゆる「死んだ鍋」、ポーカーフェイス、で辛らつな風刺をやった典型でしょう。強烈な自我があって初めて出てくる表現でしょう。十年前のアイルランド旅行で旧跡を訪ねたときの切符切りの青年もnever give up, never defeated(ギブアップするな、殺られぬな)と繰り返し、英国への怨念を口にしていました。そういう強烈な自我意識と反骨精神は普通のアイルランド人の心の中の精神風土なのかもしれません。パブでクリーム状の泡盛のギネスを飲んでいると、それは漂泊、流浪のイメージである、という司馬さんの主張に素直にうなずくことになるのです。


 この島に魅せられて紀行文の名作を書き上げたのが J.M.シングです。アラン島の住民たちの素朴で原始的な生活の中に見られるたくましい精神力と、この島の漁師たちの苛酷な荒海での運命は、この島独特の編み目を持つアランセーターに表されています。








1 お知らせ 1-2 熊本アイルランド協会の歩み

Kumamoto Japan-Ireland Society Annual General Meeting 10th Anniversary

His Excellency Mr. Pádraig MURPHY

Mr. President, Member of the Kumamoto Japan-Ireland Society

As you all know, Lafcadio Hearn arrived in Kumamoto at the end of 1891 to teach Latin and English at the large Government College here, the predecessor of Kumamoto University. It would be unfaithful to the record to deny that he did not immediately fell in love with the place; on the contrary, he was immediately depressed with what he called this “straggling, dull, unsightly”, half-Europeanised garrison town with its soldiers and the antiseptic red brick of the Government College. What he had been hit with was the disappearance of enchantment, the knowledge that he would now have to grow old and suffer the “sorrows of the nineteenth century”, as he put it. “I wish I could fly out of Meiji forever”, he said, “back against the stream of time into Tempo, or into the age of the Mikado Yuryaku – fourteen hundred years ago. The life of the old fans, the old screens, the tiny villages, that is the real Japan I love. Somehow or other, Kumamoto doesn’t seem to me Japan at all. I hate it.”

Hearn was upset at the way modernisation was changing Japan. He yearned to turn back the clock. In a more extended diatribe, he put it thus:

“So Japan paid to learn how to see shadows in Nature, in life, and in thought. And the West taught her that the sole business of the divine sun was the making of the chaper kind of shadows. And the West taught her that the higher-priced shadows were the sole product of Western civilisation, and bade her admire and adopt. Then Japan wondered at the shadows of machinery and chimneys and telegraph poles; and at the shadows of mines and of factories, and the shadows in the hearts of those who worked there; and at the shadows of houses twenty storeys high, and of hunger begging under them; and shadows of enormous charities that multiplied poverty; and shadows of social reforms that multiplied vice; and the shadows of shams and hypocrisies and swallow-tail coats; and the shadow of a foreign God, said to have created mankind for the purpose of an auto-da-fé. Whereat Japan became rather serious, and refused to study any more silhouettes. Fortunately for the world, she returned to her first matchless art; and, fortunately for herself, returned to her own beautiful faith. But some of the shadows still cling to her life; and she cannot possibly get rid of them. Never again can the world seem to her quite so beautiful as it did before.”

This is a point of view which I well understand and with which we can all, I suppose, sympathise.

If I understand the point of view very well, it is because Ireland too can be seen as having lost its enchantment during my lifetime. Sixty years ago, one of the most famous Prime Ministers of Ireland, Éamon de Valera, set out his vision of an ideal Ireland on St.Patrick’s Day.

“That Ireland which we dreamed of,” he said, “would be the home of a people who valued material wealth only as a basis of right living, of a people who were satisfied with frugal comfort and devoted their leisure to the things of the spirit; a land whose countryside would be bright with cosy homesteads, whose fields and villages would be joyous with sounds of industry, the romping of sturdy children, the contests of athletic youths, the laughter of comely maidens; whose firesides would be the forums of the wisdom of serene old age.”

It was not to be, at least not as far as the value placed on material wealth, or the satisfaction with frugal comfort, or the devotion to things of the spirit are concerned.

Ireland came to advanced economic development much later than Japan. After a spectacular burst of economic growth that began some 10 years ago, with growth rates for a number of years of over 10%, the highest in the OECD, Ireland today enjoys a GDP per person which puts it in fourth place, after Sweden, Luxembourg and Denmark, in the EU. The transformation from being the poor man of Europe only 20 years ago has been intoxicating, as all such transformations are. For identities are stubborn things. I have noted, for instance, that though Japan has for many years been the second economic power in the world, the Japanese self-image is still that of a small nation, even, to some extent, a victim perhaps – essentially an image which results from a defeat in a war of now over 50 years ago. Similarly, for centuries the Irish too saw themselves as essentially one of the great losers in the historical lottery and, of course, unlike Japan, we are really small. Just as Lafcadio Hearn did in regard to Japan at the end of the nineteenth century, Ireland until recently fed on the illusion that the country could have a uniquely idylic vocation. So we certainly have not come to terms with our new-found prosperity.

The disjuncture between image and reality does, of course, in the case of Ireland at least, give rise to some problems. In the Irish case they result from the inadequacy of some of the structures left over from an overtaken era – their incompatibility with the demands of advanced development. On the level of physical infrastructure too, Ireland finds itself struggling to update its sometimes 19th-century facilities to meet the requirements of its 21st-century economy and the strain is obvious in the area of ground transport, for instance. In some ways, Ireland is like a teenager who has recently grown too fast for his clothes.

Then there is the question of identity. The age of strong nationalistic feelings is gone in Ireland, including the sense of a special calling for Ireland. A strong sense of nationalism meant a strong sense of separate identity. The disappearance of strong nationalism is very welcome, but the accompanying loss of an assurance about identity is more problematic.

The question was posed in an interesting way over the past year or so. Ireland has enjoyed high levels of foreign investment, in particular from the U.S., which has been a very important factor in the high growth rates of the 90s. There has been growing along with this a sentiment that globalisation was the most important contributory factor to this development, and that what some have recently been calling “the old Europe” might have been overtaken by this wave of the future. Sentiments of this kind led the Irish Deputy Prime Minister to say during 2001 that she thought Ireland was nearer Boston than Berlin. This might in some circumstances be taken as a relatively harmless exercise in alliterative speech-making.

However, it so happened that in June 2001 a referendum was scheduled in Ireland on ratification of the Nice Treaty, a very complicated adjustment of the basic EU Treaties in order to permit enlargement of the European Union. Given the very happy experience that Ireland has had as a member of the EU, along with the fact that no less than four such referenda had previously, since we joined the EU in 1973, passed comfortably, the universal expectation was that the passing of this referendum too would be unproblematic. This expectation resulted in complacency on the part of the main political parties, all of which were in favour, but which did not campaign actively.

At the same time, those who opposed the proposal had a relatively easy time giving a simplistic negative reading of the complex legal document which was submitted for ratification. The result was a very low poll, in which a small majority said no. This was a severe embarrassment for the Government, for, without ratification of the Nice Treaty, the politically important enlargement of the EU could not proceed. The Irish people were obliged to consider very carefully whether in fact we were closer to Boston than to Berlin: the question needed imperatively to be put again to the people as, without Irish ratification, the Nice Treaty could not enter into force and enlargement of the EU could not take race.

And so a campaign for ratification by referendum was re-opened one year later with, this time, full commitment by all the established political parties and, as a result, full realisation by the electorate of what was at stake. The result showed that, for the people of Ireland, Berlin was at least as important as Boston: in a large turnout, voted in favour of ratification by a margin of almost to 1.

That having been decided, however, it is true to say that Ireland’s view of its membership of the EU is no longer what it was even five years ago. We have already progressed to being one of the richer member States of the present 15, not to speak of the 25 which will be members as of 1 May next. Because of that, we are already moving from being net beneficiaries from the operation of the Community budget to being net contributors. With enlargement and foreseeable changes in the agricultural policy because of WTO negotiations, this trend can only accentuate.

In sum, Ireland today is a country which has made very important progress in economic development in the past 15 years, bringing it to the first tier of developed economies in the world – in GDP per head, No.10 in the world. In the course of that same accelerated development, questions have arisen about its identity – it being certain that the old nationalistically accented identity has faded. But when well-considered, a commitment to the European integration enterprise as manifested in the EU seems to be an essential part of a modern Irish identity. At the same time, this does not yet completely cover Ireland’s stance in international affairs. Here, a long-standing Irish attachment to the central role of the United Nations in the promotion and maintenance of world peace comes to the fore, together with a question as to the future viability of this option.

Ireland is not a country without problems. I have indicated some of them: the speed of our recent economic development has left some of our infrastructure, especially in transport, with some way still to go in order to catch up. The very open economy, itself a very important factor in the rather spectacular development, also leaves one exposed to the possibility of downturn in the case of an evident slump in the world economy, such as that we are now going through. Here, too, the future is looking considerably murkier than it did only a relatively short time ago. Will the world economy, will the US economy, revive? Will the bodies that oversaw the economic development at universal level since the Second World War – the IMF, the World Bank, WTO, the successor of GATT – be still able to function in the future as they have for 50 years now? These are questions too which are as vital for Japan as they are for Ireland, dependent as we in Ireland are, even more than Japan, on the health of the world economies and, in particular, on that of the US economy. Overall, however, it would have to be said that, in any reasonable historical perspective, Ireland today is experiencing one of the happiest periods of her history, able for the first time ever, perhaps, to offer a premium standard of living to all its population, no longer suffering the hemorrhaging of emigration, and a secure member of one of the most advanced societies of states in the world.

And so we find ourselves at the beginning of a new century, with prosperity that our grandparents could not believe in, but also with problems of a complexity which they could not imagine. And as for the future, I return again to Lafcadio Hearn. What I see in Japan today is a highly sophisticated modern economy which still manages to preserve a distinctly Japanese identity, the product of a culture of some two thousand years. The virtues noticed by Lafcadio Hearn more than one hundred years ago I still see flourishing. So if, in the case of Japan, Lafcadio Hearn’s pessimism of the 1890s is seen not to be justified in 2003, I derive some hope for my own country. Perhaps, after all, the dream that was dreamt by Éamon de Valera in 1943 need not have been dreamed in vain?

I thank you for your attention.

1 お知らせ 1-2 熊本アイルランド協会の歩み


駐日アイルランド大使 ポドリグ・マーフィー閣下

















アイルランドは問題のない国ではありません。すでにいくつかは申し上げました。近年の経済発展の速度に、特に輸送部門でのインフラが追いつかず、キャッチアップする必要があります。また、開放経済が目覚しい発展をとげる上で非常に重要な要素だったのですが、現在のように世界経済が明らかに停滞している場合には、下落の可能性にさらされることになります。また、将来は、過去の数十年に比べ、より不確かさをますように思えます。世界経済は、アメリカ経済は、再生するのでしょうか? 第二次世界大戦後、地球規模で経済発展を指導してきた機関-IMF、世界銀行、WTO、GATTの後継機関-は、過去50年間のように、将来も機能できるでしょうか? こういった疑問は、日本にとってきわめて重要であるように、アイルランドにとっても重要です。アイルランドは日本以上に世界経済の健全性、特にアメリカ合衆国経済のそれに依存しているからです。しかしながら、全体としてみれば、アイルランドは現在、あらゆる見地からして、その歴史の中で最も幸せな時期にあることを述べておかねばならないと思います。おそらく、歴史の中で初めて、すべての国民に優れた生活程度を供し、もはや移民による人口消失はなく、世界中でもっとも進んだ国家社会の一員として安定した地位を保っています。



4 イベント 4-4 ハーン・ワークショップ

Lecture and Study in Cincinnati and New Orleans, July and August 2001

Alan Rosen

This summer I was honored to be asked to speak on Lafcadio Hearn at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County in Cincinnati, Ohio, the city where roughly 130 years ago this lonely and very hungry, half-Greek half-Irish boy discovered his talent as a writer and consequently changed Japan.
For me, visiting Cincinnati was especially interesting since, although I had grown up in the United States, I had never been there before.
It was the first of many “firsts” for me on this brief (one-week) but very full lecture and study trip together with about 30 enthusiastic members of the Lafcadio Hearn Society of Japan.
Though I have known the Society’s president, Professor Zenimoto, and the Kumamoto Hearn Society members for years, I was fortunate to be able to make the new acquaintance of many Hearn lovers from various parts of Japan — from Shimane and Tokyo, of course, but also from Toyama and Yamaguchi.

The speech I presented was one hour long on the topic of my recent research, Hearn and Dreams.
The weather that day was quite hot and humid, but the Library’s lecture room was very cool and comfortable. This was good and bad, I realized, as the combination of jet-lag for the Japanese listeners (it was 4 a.m. Japan time), the topic (dreams), and the extraeffort required to comprehend an academic talk in English created a nearly irresistible temptation for the Japanese audience to fall asleep. Which many of them did. Still, it was a rare pleasure for me to be able to speak about Hearn in my mother tongue and in the city of Cincinnati, about which I had read so much through Hearn’s writings.
My only concern was that I try to speak slowly enough for the Japanese members to keep up, but not too slowly so as to bore the native-speaker listeners.

There were many surprises. The first such surprise was the luxuriousness of the hotel room I was given at the Garfield Suites: apent house suite, two floors, two very spacious bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big kitchen with everything you could want including a dishwasher, and two balconies from which to enjoy views of the city.
This hotel room was largerthan my house in Kumamoto. Everyone who saw it said, “Mottainai”. I owe thanks to Dr. Tanaka and his family and to Sylvia Metzinger, the Rare Books librarian, for arranging this and many other things so perfectly.
In Cincinnati we had a custom bus-tour of the city, focussing on places related to Hearn’s life and writings.
Many of the buildings and houses are,of course, no longer standing, so it was interesting to watch many members of our tour group –including me– taking numerous photographs of empty spaces and parking lots and buildings that no longer have anything to do with Hearn except that they may be standing in a spot where we think Hearn used to do something.
Still, it was exciting to be in the same places Hearn had been.

The group’s next visit was to New Orleans. It was my first time there, too. I was dreading the heat, for it is supposedly one of the hottest cities in the US. But compared with summer in Kumamoto, it was not so uncomfortable at all. There was usually a good breeze, a tolerable level of humidity, and once you were in the shade, it was quite pleasant.
I enjoyed nearly everything about the city, and I felt I knew why Hearn had decided to live there so long.
It had polite and friendly people, excellent food (cajun and creole), charming architecture (French Quarter), live music (cajun and dixieland), and a special Southern atmosphere (full moon over the Mississippi River, a steamboat gliding down).

Our visits to the Tulane University Library, with special permission to access their collection of rare Hearn materials, were especially fruitful.
There was an abundance of manuscripts and other material that is very hard, if not impossible, to find in Japan. The staff seemed prepared for our arrival, as they were extremely helpful, kind, and tolerant of our sometimes noisy group of 30 excited visiting researchers. I did not know when I could get another chance to visit Tulane, so I thought it best tospend the entire day looking through the materials and copying, copying, copying.
My suitcase got very heavy, but I am content that I can now spend time leisurely reading over the thick stack of Hearn papers I brought back to Japan.

It was also enjoyable to be part of a Japanese tour group, not in Japan, where I have joined such tours, but in my own country.
This was another first-time experience, and I learned a lot from watching the two cultures interacting.
I was reminded that knowing the language of a countryis only the first step in intercultural communication, and that all of us who participate in the fascinating activity of crossing cultures need to continue our efforts to understand and to be understood. Wherever we went,Hearn was with us in spirit, as we all tried to be cross-cultural bridges for understanding.

1-3 事務局よりお知らせ



  • 住所:〒862-0959 熊本市中央区白山1-6-31 熊本アイルランド協会事務局
  • 電話:096-366-5151
  • ファクス:096-372-1857
  • メール:office[atmark]kumamoto-ireland.org([atmark]を@にしてお送りください)