- 日時:2020年1月19日(日) 10:00-12:00
- 場所:熊本市国際交流会館 2階交流ラウンジ
- 定員:10名(要予約 先着順)
- 対象:英語、日本語の話せる外国人
- 参加費:無料
- 持参品:筆記用具
Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry. This Japanese culture is loved all over the world today. You may wonder how we express out thought with just few words. This is the depth of Haiku and one of interesting things.
The instructor is Professor Nagata who launched “Haiku University”. He has given feedback about each Haiku that was gathered from all over the world through the internet.
He would give some tips how to create Haiku for you! Please feel free to Write anything that you feel, think and like!
- Date and time:January 19, 2020 (Sun) 10am-12pm
- Place:Kumamoto City International Center 2F lounge
- Capacity:10 People (Required reservation, First come first served basis
- Eligible Applicant:Foreigners who can speak English or Japanese
- Entry fee:Free
- Bringing items:Writing utensils
- Contact:Kumamoto City International Center, 4-18 Hanabata-cho, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, 096-359-2121, pj-nfo@kumamoto-if.or.jp